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About Us

Andrew and I are both third-generation farmers who grew up with a love for farming. Andrew’s parents had a small dairy in the beautiful hills of Oklahoma before they moved on to Texas. I grew up in Canada, living on the Alberta prairie where my parents raised hogs on a small farm. I met Andrew in 2000 and a couple of years later, we married and started a home here in Texas.


Together with our 3 children, we’re caring for cows & sheep, watching sunsets, baling hay and gathering around the table, enjoying the place God has given us. There’s nothing like watching new baby lambs and young calves race around, or the new crop coming up. Life on the farm is wonderful, yet there are many days we wonder what we’re doing, why things are so tough, and why the clouds won’t bring the rain. 

At Blue Quail Farmstead, things are changing. Shortly after we married, growing alfalfa hay for horse and dairy cow feed was our focus. Since then, the availability of water for agricultural use has greatly diminished in our area, forcing us to practice more dry land farming & diversifying. Presently, you can find a small herd of cattle on our grass pasture, with Dorper sheep grazing on the native foliage around the farmstead, and a few Jersey cows in the back field. Our chickens enjoy the sunshine in the backyard, as well as the farm cats and the dog.


We started making the switch to a lifestyle with less processed foods in 2018, after dealing with autoimmune issues. We decided to try milking our cow and after tasting the delicious fresh milk, we were hooked. When the boys were quite young, a little Swiss/Jersey bottle calf named Lizzie came to the farm. Lizzie has been our favorite farm addition, and since then we have added 2 more dairy cows: Stacy and Ruby. They are the gentlest, sweetest creatures and we love them.


The opportunity to provide you with real, cream-top milk with the goodness left inside each gallon leaves us feeling very fulfilled.

Embracing The Art of


We are very enthused about grinding wheat and baking bread with our freshly milled flour. Get some wheat berries with your next purchase and make sure to add our new Prairie Flour Cookbook to your kitchen arsenal. Baking bread & cookies with fresh milled flour is one of the best things you can do for your family’s nutrition.

  • Our passion for providing wholesome food extends beyond dairy products
  • We grind wheat berries and use fresh milled flour to make delicious bread for our family
  • Last Fall, I had the opportunity to contribute to the Prairie Flour Cookbook, which showcases our breadmaking journey
  • The book has been a tremendous success, with 2000 copies sold in only six months
  • We are thrilled to share our story and inspire others through our love for baking
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